Lithium Dreams

Idea & Origin

“Lithium Dreams” was the last song written for „The Modernist“. From the beginning it was clear that the second chapter should begin with a completely different sound design to make it clear that this chapter is entering a different world. The structure is very unusual and the song is comparatively entertaining within the Oddity cosmos. The song was inspired by the ambitious band “Zeal & Ardor“, who also experiment a lot with different style elements.

“Lithium Dreams” is a kind of intro for the second chapter, which gave us the idea of having a kind of narrator speak at the beginning in order to explain the change of location. Together with the video, it becomes clear that “The Modernist” is breaking new ground on all three levels (music, story, video), which makes the whole thing even more exciting!

All the cells are floating shaping new forms

taken from the Video “Lithium Dreams”


Lithium Dreams

Out of the water
the waves are resounding
clouds forming cities
the walls are responding

All the cells are floating
shaping new forms

Great walls, the skyline of Cloud Platoon
Take off, be the engine,
new dreams in full bloom

streaming nightmares
taking control