Fallen Hero

Idea & Origin

The song is like an ominous ride through the despair and madness that threatens to haunt the fallen hero. Musically, too, the piece is more in the uptempo range and climbs to ever higher heights until the end. Despite its length, the chorus is very catchy and sets the relentless downward spiral of obsession and doubt to music in a peculiar manner. A final gasp at the end of the song marks the last desperate attempt to escape from the agony. Whether this actually succeeds in the end will only become clear in the subsequent piece…


Unser gefallener Held ist am Tiefpunkt seiner Verzweiflung, er weiß nicht mehr wohin und sieht sich als vom Teufel besessen. Für ihn gibt es keinen Ausweg mehr.


Fallen Hero

Fallen hero
no place more to be
Lost in hell
under a rotten spell
No way out
just losing my shape
No way to be

I danced with the devil
He made me drink
He made me smoke
He made me dream

I danced with the devil
I lost my hope
I lost my vibe
I nearly lost my life

Evil spirits
Just killing me
The fallen hero
coming to life
Escaping from hell
The devil behind me

Pain in my heart
I am lost in the dark
the devil inside me
No way to be me
The Fallen hero
who does not find his way
Just lost in hell…